Many women are self-conscious about their breast, even to the point of being worried that their sex partners will be disappointed when they see them. Breast augmentation surgery, even though it gives an instant increase in breast size, is risky and many women don't like the idea of having to going "under the 'knife.".So, is there any way for a woman to enlarge her breasts naturally without surgery?
Actually, there are several natural methods of natural breast enhancement that have been tried and tested by many thousands of women worldwide, dating back to the harem girls in the Middle East. The most widely used methods are herbs, breast massage, and hypnosis. Each can be used alone, but the best results are obtained by combining two or more methods.
Herbs have long been used for breast enhancement. This "mastogenic" effect has been known and used in various cultures throughout the world. The breast-enhancing effects of herbs such as fenugreek, saw palmetto, and wild yam have been used in folk medicine for centuries.
Breast massage
Breast massage increases the flow of blood in the chest area, helps remove toxins, and stimulates breast growth. It originated in Asia. In Thailand the government endorsed the practice of breast slapping to increase breast size. Even if it didn't increase breast size, breast massage is a healthful practice for women to adopt.
Since your beliefs about your body affect your cells, a change in beliefs can create physical changes in your body. You can change the size of your breasts by visualizing the outcome you desire while you are in a state of deep relaxation. Going into a state of deep relaxation regularly also is healthful just by itself/
If you are the type of woman who demands instant results without regard for expense or health risks, breast augmentation may be right for you. However, if you want a safer cheaper alternative to invasive surgery, you may want to try natural breast enhancement. After all, you have little to lose, and a cup size or two to gain.
If you have ever felt self-conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. My book Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts reveals how you can increase your breast size completely naturally and without expensive, painful surgery. To find out more, click here!
Hi Ms. Caitlin!
I just want to ask, is Shea oil a good alternative when it comes to breast massage? I'm still saving up for Fenugreek and Wild yam so I'm just wondering if the massage will work even if I'm using a different kind of oil.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful page! Hoping for your response.
Yes, you can use just about any oil or lotion, it will work about as well.
Can I use fenugreek, lysine and Biotin(since I want my hair grows faster) at the same time? Thanks
No reason why not. Lysince and biotin are just nutrients found in food.
I am 19 and size 30. I am thin. I tried doing breast massage for a month but there were really nominal changes which have just worn off. What should I do?
This article tells you what else you can do.
Hi! I've been checking your blog over a month and first of all I have to say that it's great :)I did the breast massage for month and a few day and i noticed that my breasts became bigger but not much. But then I got my period and they go back smaller :( Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?
Do you have any before and after pictures of yourself? and Where can I find them?
LOL! No, I have not and will not post before and after pictures of myself.
Can using olive oil work :D
Olive oil can be used for a massage oil.
It's impossible to know whether you're doing something wrong, but you have to be persistent with natural breast enlargement.
If you want to prove this, you should totally post before and after pics
LOL! I don't care about proving anything. I've written thirty=five articles to help women with natural breast enlargement. If women want to use them to increase their breast size, that's fine. If they don't, that's fine, too.
Hello. Thanks a bunch for all your helpful tips. I'm absolutely amazed at how well you keep up with the blog by answering questions. That was so mature how you didn't cave to the pressure of the last individual insisting that you prove yourself by posting before and after pics! As far as I've read of, you've never complained about your size with the desire to change it. Results are different for each individual, so it wouldn't have changed anything anyhow. I checked the website for any "FAQS" first so I don't ask something that has been there any difference if I use an electric massager versus my hand? Sorry the comment was so long : >
I've never heard of anyone using an electric massager, so I don't really know. The ancient Chinese Taoists who invented the method certainly didn't. I think it would need to be on the lowest setting if used.
Hi I m flat chest person I did massage n took herbal medicine and also herbs bt no results can b seen guide me wht to do
The thirty-five articles I've written about natural breast enlargement provide much more guidance than I could ever give in a comment.
please tell me you own website of your articles, this page is not helping me out...:(
This blog has all of my articles on natural breast enlargement.
Hello! Wanted to ask if massaging and exercise alone would make the breast bigger without taking any herbs?
Breast massage alone can make the breasts bigger. Exercise doesn't make the breast themselves bigger. They just look bigger.
I am 26yrs n have only 30b if i use fenugreek seed as tea so is it working plz help
Fenugreek is another way to consume fenugreek.
Does message or herbal mix irritate the sensetive skin ?
Not unless you massage too hard, or you just happen to be allergic to a particular herb.
Hi, Caitlin. I'm 5'8 1/2", skinny, Asian 38 yrs old. I'm flat chest since I was born. All my female cousins, sisters, my mom, even my nieces are bigger than mine. I had tried every single mixes lotions, creams, taken supplements to boost and grow my breasts for over a yr and half now. Nothing works. Is there any better legit suggestions?! I'm 36 A (much smaller than A cup). I always tells my friends my chest is flat like a driveway lol Or they'll never know the difference between my back is my back or my front is actually my front lol Please help... :'( Ms. FunnyBunny.
Since the try everything approach hasn't worked, it may be time to try a systematic, comprehensive program, such as Boost Your bust. Of course, you have to follow the instructions and stick with it for it to work, too.
Do these massages work for any age or do you have to have a specific age?
Any age.
I cant take herbs because i have endometriosis and flax oil seemed to make them smaller. Any suggestions?
No, I don't have any suggestions.
Hi Caitlin, I'm 26 yrs old and a size 32AA (beyond flat) I've read so much I think I've confused myself. I bought estrogen pills, fenugreek pills and progesterone cream. Exactly how should I utilize these? If I shouldn't use the cream to message myself, then what, if anything do I use?
It's up to you what you wish to do. Herbs and breast massage are where most women start.
Will massaging those herbs into a lotion on your breasts help them to increase?
Yes, adding breast enlargement herbs to lotion or oil helps.
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