Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Natural Breast Enlargement: How to Make Your Gains Permanent

Natural breast enlargement is not something where gains are achieved overnight, so a frequently asked questions is whether the gains are permanent or do the breasts return to their original size after the program is stopped. The answer is that your gains will be permanent as long as you cement your gains once you reach your goal.

Cementing your gains is simply a term for making your gains permanent. Some women who achieve quick gains quickly lose what they have gained because as soon as they reach their goal, they quit their breast enlargement program completely. Making your gains permanent is an additional step that must be taken after reaching your goal although it will not take the same amount time and effort as it did to reach your new breast size in the first place .

There is a state known as equilibrium, which could be called the body’s resting point. Equilibrium is the point or state that the body is accustomed to.. Breast enlargement herbs and massage expand the tissues of the breast, but the breasts will slowly go back to their original size unless the body sets a new point of equilibrium at the new size. The purpose of performing a maintenance routine to cement your gains is to encourage the body or a part of the body (in this case, the breasts) to set a new point of equilibrium.

If you reached your goal in less than six months, perform a maintenance program for the same period of time that you did your breast enlargement program. For those who took more than six months to achieve their goal, perform your maintenance program for at least half as long. In other words, if it took you a year to gain two cup sizes, to keep those two cup sizes, perform a maintenance routine for at least six months. For those who took between six months to a year, err on the side of performing a maintenance program for a longer period, rather than the shortest time possible.

The good news is that a maintenance program does not take the time and effort that a breast enlargement program does. There are several methods you can use to set up your maintenance program. First, you can do half the volume - half the repetitions of breast massage and/or half the dosage of herbs. Second, you can perform your complete program half as often - every other day instead of every dayt. Third, you can split your program in half and do half one day and half the next day. For example, you could take herbs one day, and do breast massage the other. Just pick the method that suits you best and stick with it long enough to make your gains permanent.

If you have ever felt self-conscious about the size of your breasts, you are not alone. My book Natural Breast Enlargement: The Ultimate Guide to Bigger, Firmer Breasts reveals how you can increase your breast size completely naturally and without expensive, painful surgery. To find out more, click here!


Anonymous said...

Awesome article. Thank you.!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm trying to get some information before I make a permanent mistake. Are males okay to use this?

Herbal Natural Firming Bust Boobs Boost Breast Enhancement Massage Essential Oil

Caitlin MacKenna said...

I wouldn't think so, but I don't really know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Caitlin, do you know if the rockmelon ringtone is permanent for teens? If it isn't, can you recommend a free hypnosis program? I'm considering adding one of them to my breast massage routine as it seems to not work by its own.
Thanks :)

Caitlin MacKenna said...

The gains should be permanent if you continue using it long enough. I doubt that a free breast enlargement hypnosis program exists.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so how long do you recommend to use the ringtone so my gains will be permanent? And how many times a day I should listen to it? (it's 30 seconds long)

Caitlin MacKenna said...

Use it as often as possible, and continue using it for at least several months after reaching your goal.

Anonymous said...

But if I continue listening to it after reaching my goal my breasts will grow bigger than I want them to be...

Caitlin MacKenna said...

Maybe, but probably not. If they do, stop.

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks for helping :)

Anonymous said...

I am 20years old. Going to take fenugreek tea two times per day for 2-3 months. And do fenugreek oil massages of 15minutes two times per day for about an year. I am vegetarian. Is this routine possible to gain 1cup size? Im currently a 34B

Caitlin MacKenna said...

As long as your diet is healthful and has sufficient protein, it doesn't matter too much what it is.

Anonymous said...

Caitlin, I am hoping you know the answer. I am currently having laser hair removal treatment on my face and neck but wanted to know if having hormone therapy at the same time will effect anything.

Caitlin MacKenna said...

You'll have to ask a doctor that question.

Anonymous said...

Hi Caitlin,
Do you think that exercise could increase my band size? If so, which exercises should I do and in what frequency and quantity?
My boobs are small anyway (working on it) and too separate so I don't have any cleavage. I know that's not going to change even after reaching my goal cause it has to do with my breasts shape, not size...
Is there any why to have cleavage?

Caitlin MacKenna said...

Exercise can make your breasts perkier, but they do not actually increase the size of the breasts themselves. I have several articles about exercise on this blog. Just search or scroll through the pages.